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Found 59016 results for any of the keywords the u s senate. Time 0.010 seconds.
The House Explained | house.govAs per the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The House is one of Congress’s two chambers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and part of the federal government’s legislative branc
John F. Kennedy - WikipediaVaughn Meader's First Family comedy album, which parodied the president, the first lady, their family, and the administration, sold about four million copies. 423
Washington, D.C. - WikipediaThe historic Ford's Theatre, the site of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, continues to function as a theatre and as a museum. 182
Victories - Public CitizenJOIN THE MOVEMENT Get Updates Valid email is required
House | 538 Refugees2012 House of Representatives Races In 2012 all 435 districts in the fifty United States will elect representatives for the 113th Congress. Elections will also be held for delegates from the District of Columbia, Guam, A
Moscow Bound ? - POW/MIA LCDR James Kelly Patterson, USNA honor page devoted to a naval aviator from the Vietnam War believed to be a POW transferred to Soviet Kazakhstan
Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money Information Clearing House.AIPAC s influence is evident in U.S. senators support for Israel. By Bill Astore Courtesy of, I saw a chart on AIPAC contributions to U.S. senators that showed that all 100 senators have taken AIPAC mone
The Fed Explained - Who We AreThe Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC.
Chisholm List -Higher Heights for AmericaHigher Heights for America will invest in a long-term strategy to expand and support Black women’s leadership pipeline at all levels and strengthen their civic participation beyond just Election Day.
U.S. SenateExplore the Senate's Constitutional foundations, its unique role in America's governmental system, and its rich history.
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